Can I eat that rind?


A common question we get at the shop is, “Can I eat the rind?” In short, yes!

Essentially any cheese rind is edible unless it is wrapped with a cheesecloth or coated in wax (like the Beemster X-O for example). Most of the time, eating the rind just comes down to individual preferences on flavor and texture.

When it comes to bloomy rind cheeses, like the Fromager D’Affinois, the rind is important for the full sensory experience of the cheese. This rind made of edible molds & yeast are what make bloomy rind cheese soft and luscious.

Natural rinds on harder cheeses tend to get really chewy. On Parmigiano Reggiano, you will see a distinct line between the paste and the outer rind. As is, that rind is not pleasant to eat but using the rind remnants to deepen flavors in broths and sauces is a good way to make sure nothing goes to waste! Thinner natural rinds, seen on Cato Corner Farm’s Womanchego or Arethusa Blue, are both edible and chewable as is. Again, it just depends on what you like for flavor!

Flavored rinds, like seen on Sartori’s Balsamic Bellavitano, are created either by soaking or rubbing the wheel with wine, vinegars, herbs, peppers, beer, etc. Eating these rinds add to the complexity of the cheese.

Jamie TomassettirindComment