5 Tips For Sharing Taleggio With Friends

Taleggio is undeniably one of the greatest cheeses in existence (according to me 😜). It’s a washed rind cheese from Italy with a doughy consistency and lovely notes of mushroom and cream. It’s also what I consider to be a Gateway Stinker…the perfect match for someone looking to get a little more adventurous on their cheese journey. To achieve the optimal experience with Taleggio, here’s what to do:

1. Let your hunk of Taleggio breathe and get to room temp prior to serving.

All that funkiness that has been concealed within the cheese’s wrapping will release and the delightful flavors within the paste will intensify as the cheese warms up.

2. Don’t even attempt to get cute with it.

Serve the Taleggio as a whole chunk and provide the proper utensils for serving.

3. Warn your guests what they’re getting into.

The smell of Taleggio might intimidate some but you can promise them a mild flavor profile of mushrooms, fruit, and cream. Also, the rind is edible but incredibly funky (a.k.a. it tastes like it smells). Only encourage the ultra-adventurous to sample it.

4. Serve it with something strawberry.

Fresh strawberries, strawberry jam, dehydrated strawberry…for whatever reason, this flavor pairing works insanely well (think strawberry cheese danish).

5. Wash it down with a light bodied red such as Pinot Noir.

A light red like a Pinot Noir won’t overpower the mildness of Taleggio and will help enhance some of the inherent fruit flavors hidden within the paste. A Beaujolais or Barbera will also be a fine pairing.

Follow this advice and you’re bound to become as much of a Taleggio lover as me!

More About Taleggio

Taleggio is a washed rind cheese from the Lombardy region in northern Italy. With origins dating back to the 13th century, it’s one of the oldest soft cheeses in existence.

The initial making of Taleggio, like many other cheeses, was really just a means to an end. The farmers of Val Taleggio, a valley located in the province of Bergamo, needed a way to preserve surplus milk. So they made cheese, which they could consume as well as trade and barter for other goods.

Today, Taleggio is a PDO cheese (PDO stands for Protected Designation of Origin). This means it can only be made following a specific recipe with specific ingredients in a specific region. Name protection ensures consistency in flavor, texture, and aroma, as well as the ethical treatment of the animals and land involved in the cheese making process. Some other protected cheeses you’re probably familiar with include Parmigiano Reggiano, Pecorino Romano, and Manchego.

Cheese Making

Taleggio is aged in caves for about 35 days on seasoned wooden shelves and, during this time, the blocks are frequently turned and washed with a special brine that fosters the growth of good bacteria. Like many washed rind cheeses, the rind on Taleggio is sticky and very stinky! It’s edible although very gritty and earthy in flavor.

Appearance & Texture

Taleggio comes in a 5-6 lb. square format. The sticky, stinky rind pops with colors of peach, gold, and sometimes light pink. The vanilla colored inner paste can be as creamy as pudding or a bit more on the doughy side like fresh baked bread.

Aroma & Flavor

Fun Fact: The good bacteria formed by brining is called Brevibacterium linens and it’s closely related to a bacterium that loves the sweaty crevasses of our feet: Brevibacterium epidermidis. This is why Taleggio has that funky smell! The flavors of the paste are much more mild with lovely notes of mushroom, fruit, fresh bread, and cream.


Our favorite pairings for Taleggio are: